El profeta de la misericordia Site

Liga del Mundo Islámico - Organismo Mundial para la Presentación del Mensajero

Fasting in Shawwal

dichos del Profeta

Mensaje del Profeta

  • Relató Ibn 'Omar (que Allah esté complacido con él) que el Mensajero de Alá (la paz sea con él) dijo: “Me ha sido ordenado luchar contra la gente, hasta que atestigüen que nadie tiene el derecho de ser adorado salvo Alá (no existe otra divinidad mas que Alá), establezcan el Salat (Oración) y paguen el Zakat. Si cumplen con esto, ponen a salvo de mí sus vidas y sus bienes, excepto por el derecho del Islam, y su juicio corresponde solo a Alá el altísimo”. (Transmitido  por Bujari y Muslim)

Attached images

digital player to listen to Seerah
digital player to listen to Seerah

Digital Player to Learn the Life of The Prophet of Mercy (peace be upon him)


An Overview of the Player:

The Digital Player is an electronic device developed by the Global Program for Introducing the Prophet of Mercy for teaching children about the noble Prophet (peace be upon him).

It has also software program  works on windows and on the web site also.

To play it on web site CLICK HERE

To download its software Program CLICK HERE


  1. Introducing the Prophet (peace be upon him)

  2. To give English-speaking Muslims the opportunity to learn more about the Prophet (peace be upon him).

  3.  To serve not only as a wonderful learning tool, but also as a gift.  

  4.  To make use of the latest technologies in order to introduce the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his message.


The Digital Player should be considered as a valuable device in introducing the Prophet (peace be upon him). The device consists of forty topics related to:

  1. The Prophetic Biography

  2.  Prophetic Guidance

  3.  Prophetic Supplications

  4.  Selected Nasheeds (Islamic songs) about the Prophet (peace be upon him)

 Development Stages:

Development of the Player went through many stages which consisted of more than 16 months in order to seek the maximum benefit for English speakers.

 Among these stages:

  1. A careful selection of the material that would be used

  2. . Arranging the selected material in an appropriate manner.

  3. A review of all material by specialists from England and Saudi Arabia.

  4. Taping of the material.

  5. Designing and producing the actual player. 

The Committee for review of books and other materials:

1) Dr. Adil Al-Shiddy

2) Dr. Ahmed Mazyad

3) Dr. Najji Al-Arfaj

4) Dr. Nassir Al-Tawaim

5) Dr. Abdullah Al-Qahtani

6) Imtiaz Damiel

For charity distribution

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