El profeta de la misericordia Site

Liga del Mundo Islámico - Organismo Mundial para la Presentación del Mensajero

Fasting in Shawwal

dichos del Profeta

Mensaje del Profeta

  • Abu Nayij al-'Irbad Ibn Sariah (que Allah esté complacido con él) dijo: Cierta vez nos exhortó el Mensajero de Alá (la paz sea con él) de forma tal que los corazones temblaron y los ojos lloraron. Dijimos ¡Oh Mensajero de Alá! parece una exhortación de despedida, así que aconséjanos. Dijo: “Os aconsejo temer a Alá, escuchar y obedecer aunque os gobierne un esclavo, ya que quien viva de vosotros ha de ver muchas discrepancias. Así pues que, apegaos mi Sunnah y la Sunnah de los califas rectos y guiados, aferraos a ellas con los dientes, y evitad las innovaciones, porque toda innovación es un desvío, y todo desvío tiene por destino el fuego”. (Transmitido por Abu Dawd y Tirmidhi, quien dijo: Es un hadiz Hasan-Sahih (aceptable y auténtico)

He (peace be upun him) would call out the adhaan with or without repetition. He (peace be upun him) also pronounced the words of the iqaamah once or twice, except that he always repeated the words “Qad qamat is-salaah” (Prayer has begun) twice.

He (peace be upun him) ruled for his people that one who hears the adhaan should repeat the words after him, except for the words “Hayya `alas-salaah" and "Hayya `alal-falaah”, where one should say “La hawla wa la quwwata illa billaah." (There is no might and no power except through Allah.”

He (peace be upun him) also said, “Whoever hears the adhaan and then says: 'Ash-hadu anla ilaaha ill-Allah wa anna Muhammadan rasulullah. Raditu billaahi rabban, wa bil- Islami deenan wa bi Muhammadin rasulan' (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is His Messenger. I am pleased with Allah as Lord, Islam as religion and Muhammad as messenger) - whoever says that will have his sins forgiven."

He (peace be upun him) ruled that after repeating the words of the adhaan, one should invoke blessings upon the Prophet (peace be upun him), saying: “Allaahumma rabba hadhihid-da`watit-taamma was-salaatil-qaa'imati, aati Muhammadan al-waseelata wal-fadheelata, wab`ath-hu maqaaman mahmudan alladhi wa`adtah.'
(O Allah, Lord of this perfect call and present prayer, grant Muhammad the waseelah (a position of intercession in Paradise) and excellence and elevate him [on the Day of Judgment] to the praised position, which You have promised him.)

And he (peace be upun him) stated that supplication between the adhaan and iqaamah would never be refused [by Allah].



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