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 The Sealed Nectar by Shaykh Safi ur-Rahman

General Clarification regarding the Danish people

Freedom of opinion and expression is guaranteed in Islam and considered one of its main contributions to the world more than 1400 years ago. In fact, all divine faiths, religions and laws ensure freedom of opinion and expression with the provision that such expression does not lead to abuse and discrimination of others or incite hatred- religious or ethnic. One of the worst forms of religious discrimination is ridiculing the prophets and messengers.

In our continuous efforts to contain the crisis of the cartoons, we have had the opportunity to visit Denmark. We have found that the people of Denmark are peace-loving and have valued the co-existence between different cultures, civilizations and religions, thus, we believe that the republication of the offensive caricatures does not represent the Danish people.

Muslims believe that all prophets, including Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them all) possess a status making them unworthy of abuse or ridicule. They should all be respected by all humanity rather than have false accusations made about them.

We were surprised that a link was made between the incident regarding a few individuals arrested on charges of retaliation against one of the cartoonists and the deliberate insult of the feelings of the Muslim nations in their dearest sanctities by the republication of the cartoons. We would like to emphasise that Islam condemns any attempts to violate the security of the countries where Muslims live, particularly killing and arson . In contrast, law-abiding Muslims are still waiting for proper condemnation against those republishing the offensive cartoons from the responsible people in authority. We believe that such condemnation will help to prevent repeating these unfortunate occurrences.

In conclusion, we would like to call upon all sensible, peace-loving people, and economic and cultural organizations to take the initiative to exert the efforts aiming to safeguarding cultural and economic relations between Danish people and the peoples of the Muslim world.

Henvendelse til det danske folk

Ytringsfrihed og retten til at have sin egen mening er garanteret i Islam og er et af Islams vوsentligste bidrag til verden
for mere end 1400 هr siden. Faktisk sikrer alle himmelsk هbenbarede religioner, trosretninger og love mennesket retten
til at tوnke og udtrykke sig frit, for sه vidt sهdanne ytringer ikke fّrer til hهn eller diskrimination af andre eller opildner
til had grundet religion eller race. En af de vوrste former for religiّs diskrimination er latterliggّrelse af profeterne og
I forbindelse med vore fortsatte bestrوbelser pه at mindske fّlgevirkningerne af de danske karikaturer, har vi flere gange
besّgt Danmark. Vi har oplevet danskerne som et fredselskende folk, der opskatter sameksistensen mellem forskellige
kulturer, civilisationer og religioner, og derfor er vi overbeviste om, at genoptrykket af de forhهnende tegninger ikke er
typisk for det danske folk.
I muslimers opfattelse er alle profeter, inklusive Moses, Jesus og Muhammad, fred vوre med dem alle i en sوrstatus, der
skulle friholde dem fra hهn eller latterliggّrelse. De bّr respekteres af alle mennesker i stedet for at der skal rettes falske
anklager mod dem.
Vi var meget overraskede over den forbindelse, der blev knyttet mellem sigtelse mod nogle enkeltstهende mennesker om
at ville hوvne sig pه en af tegnerne og en bevidst hهn af samtlige muslimske nationer dybt ind i deres inderligste religiّse
hjerterum ved genoptrykning af tegningerne. Vi vil her understrege, at Islam fordّmmer enhver handling, der svوkker
samfundets sikkerhed, i sوrdeleshed drab og ildspهsوttelse. Faktisk savner muslimer stadig en formel afstandstagen overfor
genoptryk af de forhهnende tegninger fra relevante myndigheder. Vi er overbeviste om, at en afstandstagen vil kunne
medvirke til at forhindre yderligere gentagelse af sهdanne ulykkelige tiltag.
Slutteligt vil vi gerne opfordre alle fornuftige og fredselskende mennesker samt ّkonomiske og kulturelle organisationer
til at anstrenge sig til det yderste for at sikre gode kulturelle og ّkonomiske relationer mellem folk fra Danmark og den
muslimske verden.
Det Globale Program til at gّre Barmhjertighedens Profet kendt


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