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رسالة اليوم من هدي الرسول

-          عن أبي موسى الأشعري رضي الله عنه ، عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : أنه كان يدعو بهذا الدعاء : اللهم اغفر لي خطيئتي وجهلي ، وإسرافي في أمري ، وما أنت أعلم به مني ، اللهم اغفر لي جدي وهزلي ، وخطئي وعمدي ، وكل ذلك عندي ، اللهم اغفر لي ما قدمت وما أخرت ، وما أسررت وما أعلنت ، وما أنت أعلم به مني ، أنت المقدم وأنت المؤخر ، وأنت على كل شيء قدير متفق عليه


كتاب الرحمة في حياة الرسول

شاهد مكة المكرمة مباشرة

إقرأ مقالا من أكبر كتاب في العالم

إبحث عن محتويات الموقع

شاهد المدينة المنورة مباشرة

المسجد النبوي _ تصوير ثلاثي الأبعاد

Madina Mosque 3D view

الرئيسية | Monthly archive

مايو 2010

fasting guide

 by Shaykh Aa'id 'Abdullâh al-Qarnî
Translated by Daud Abdullah
All Praise is due to Allah. May He bestow His peace and blessings upon His Prophet, his relatives, companions and those who are loyal to him.

Ibn al Qayim mentioned that:

The reforms affected by Islaam are as follows:


"O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious).


By Shahid Athar, M.D.

This year the Islamic month of Ramadan will start on December 20th. Muslims all over the world will start this month with fasting from dawn to dusk daily for 30 days as ordained in Quran.

"O you who believe fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you so that you can learn Taqwa" (Quran 2:183)

by Sound Vision Staff writer

Top 8 ways to boost your Ramadan spirit this year
1. Dua

Ask Allah to make this the most awesome, spiritually uplifting Ramadan you've ever had. Only He can make it happen and relying on Him completely is one step in boosting our spirits.

2. Quiet your mind, turn off the...

Conference theme: "And We have sent you (O Muhammad) not but as a mercy for the worlds"

Date : Saturday, Sunday 4-5/11/1427 A.H. Corresponding to : 25-26 / 11/2006

Conference Message

Universal conference to introduce Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and his message, trying to correct the negative image of the Prophet of Islam and to promote the concept of dialogue and coexistence between followers of religions.

1) Underlining the prestige of prophets in the various religions in general and in Islam in particular

Wednesday 7th May 2008

The Islamic Foundation holds a seminar on Introducing the Prophet of Mercy: Strategies & Methodologies in conjunction with the Global Program for Introducing the Prophet of Mercy

The message of Islam is for the entire human race. According to Islam, Allah is the God of the entire world and Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is a messenger for the whole of mankind.

The unequivocal and emphatic answer is NO! The Qur'an declares:

"Let there be no compulsion (or coercion) in the religion (Islam). The right direction is distinctly clear from error." (2:256)

 In the linguistic sense, the Arabic word "jihad" means struggling or striving and applies to any effort exerted by anyone. In this sense a student struggles and strives to get an education and pass course work; an employee strives to fulfill his/her job and maintain good relations with his/her employer; a politician strives to maintain or increase his popularity with his constituents and so on. The term strive or struggle may be used for/by Muslims as well non-Muslims; for example, Allah, One and Only True God says in the Qur'an:

المقطع المختار من قسم مقاطع الفيديو