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رسالة اليوم من هدي الرسول

حدث في مثل هذا اليوم:

قدم النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم مكة حاجاً في رابع ذي الحجة من السنة العاشرة ومعه أصحابه، وكان خروجهم من المدينة لخمس بقين من ذي القعدة، وهي حجته الوحيدة، وتسمى حجة الوداع، وكان يقول فيها: لتأخذوا عني مناسككم فإني لا أدري لعلي لا أحج بعد حجتي هذه. صحيح مسلم.


كتاب الرحمة في حياة الرسول

شاهد مكة المكرمة مباشرة

إقرأ مقالا من أكبر كتاب في العالم

إبحث عن محتويات الموقع

ننصحك بقراءة هذا الإصدار

شاهد المدينة المنورة مباشرة

المسجد النبوي _ تصوير ثلاثي الأبعاد

Madina Mosque 3D view


His Life at a Glimpse

The Campaign of Badr

Description: One of the most decisive battles in human history changed the political balance of the Arabian Peninsula.

The Campaign of Badr

The Treason of Former Allies

Description: Mistakes at Uhud lead to heavy losses of life, and a new tactic reveals victory for the Muslims.

The Battle on Mount Uhud

In fact, in the following year, an army of three thousand men came from Makkah to destroy Madinah. The Prophet’s first idea was merely to defend the city, a plan of which Ibn Ubay, the leader of “the Hypocrites”, strongly approved. But the young men who had not fought at Badr, believing that God would help them against any odds and thought it a shame that they should linger behind walls.

 The Treaty of Hudaibiyyah

Description: The hidden victory of a non-aggression treaty between the Muslims and the Makkans.


  The Return to Makkah

Description: Events which led to the conquest of Makkah, and eventually to the end of idolatry in Arabia.

The Campaign of Khayber

Bidding Farewell

Description: The Pilgrimage of the Prophet r, and his death.

The Farewell Pilgrimage

The end, however, was drawing closer, and in the tenth year of the Hijrah he set off from Madinah with some 90,000 Muslims from every part of Arabia to perform Hajj, the pilgrimage. This triumphal journey of the aging man, worn by years of persecution and then by unceasing struggle, is surrounded by a kind of twilight splendour, as though a great ring of light had finally closed, encompassing the mortal world in its calm radiance.

by Abul hasan ‘Ali Nadwi

by Abul hasan ‘Ali Nadwi

by Abul hasan 'Ali Nadwi

It was during this period that the Prophet found himself transported at night to the K'abah and from there to the place of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, where Masjid-ul-Aqsa now stands. Then he was borne to the celestial regions where he witnessed the seven heavens, met the prophets of yore and saw the remarkable signs of divine majesty about which the Qur'an says:

"The eye turned not aside nor yet was overbold, verily he saw one of the greater revelations of his Lord." (Qur'an 53:17-18.)

Occurrence of the event

Biography - Recorded History<br><br><;br>Biography - Along with the large collection of hadiths, the biography (seerah) of Prophet Muhammad is well known as a part of recorded history. However, there is a subtle difference between hadith literature and the Prophet's biography. His biographers were historians who, within the first century after his death, began to gather all the facts they could from the various sources available.

Commander of the army - Muhammad was a prophet of mercy and a prophet of battle. His message was primarily one of mercy, but he was obliged to turn to battle when certain powers refused mercy and morality and sought to deprive others of them and of their natural rights and individual freedoms. He was a commander who gathered statistics about military capabilities, sent scouts to gather information and drew up battle plans. Aware that the Creator had ordained for every occurrence a cause, he applied this natural law in order to achieve success.

المقطع المختار من قسم مقاطع الفيديو